The school excursions are an unbelievable experience for all. Many students have a predisposed fear thanks to the media, it is wonderful to watch the courage emerge as they engage with these incredible . Education at Irukandji is delivered with a fun, hands on approach that creates a personal, memorable experience for both children and their teachers. The guided tour, has a focus on conservation, and creates an opportunity for behaviour change – instilling a sense of stewardship for the environment. Thus, Irukandji staff play a vital role in fulfilling the attractions mission by helping children build emotional connections to marine animals, teaching them to understand the natural world and actively engaging them in conservation initiatives such as Take3fortheSea.
Please contact the team at: [email protected] to find out more about the excursion options including the school snorkel for students over the age of 12!
School Excursions for all ages
Amazed and inspired by our aquatic animals. Engage your students through close encounters with fascinating creatures and hands on experiences.
Kindy-Year 1
Living Things; Whether it’s Slimy, Rough, Teeth or Plates we have them all. Irukandji will give your students a unique opportunity to get up close to the marine world. Our confidence building kindy program allows students to explore the unknown. See the lesson plan in the Learn Resources section for further information.
Primary School
Structure and function of living things and ways they interact with each other and their environment. At Irukandji students will reinforce their theoretical knowledge through practical application whilst scientifically immersing themselves into the marine world. See the lesson plan in the Learn Resources section for further information.
High School
The Key topics for our future generation; conservation; sustainability; economics and society working hand in hand. Irukandji’s primary function is to serve as a doorway to an array of critical thinking applications were students will be able to identify the links between the environment and us. Students will observe these links and the importance of all of them to coexist in today’s world. See the lesson plan in the Learn Resources section for further information.